about the photographer behind the lens
Once an Analytical Chemist turned traveling Photographer. As an Analytical Chemist I used to identify and quantify metals as well as other chemicals. My passion has grown into instead analyzing the beauty that surrounds us. When I'm not saving the planet in my day job, I'm taking photos of it!
I want to show people why the earth is worth saving. It's just too beautiful to let it go to waste. My photos are available for purchase as a reminder to all that we need to preserve this place if we want to enjoy it. Any of my travel and landscape photos purchased will also donate a portion to causes that are near and dear to my heart, with Oceana and Nature Conservancy.
My previous job took me across the country and sometimes the world on many different adventures to take photos. I have been published in various economic development guides and magazines with a national and global audience. Those adventures only fueled my fire for my passion to save the planet from ourselves. I am now fortunate enough to work for a new company that does just that. However, I never gave up my passion for photography. Now I'm grateful that I can take photos because I love them and share them with the world.
So take a look around and I hope you'll find a print that inspires you to keep the world beautiful.